Read human resources articles and HR news to keep up with up-to-date human resources information. Learn more about insights and opinions on HR issues.

  • Thailand's labour laws have long been known for the strength of protections afforded to employees. Continuing this trend, a slew of new amendments to the Labour Protection Act (LPA), passed on December 13, 2018, will further enhance worker protection, improve working conditions, and impose sanctions on employers who fail to uphold them.

  • Many are tiringly conscious of building the right CV. I'm writing this sentence because I'm a little jealous because my resume is one that's been created along the way. Some get a CV that shows that they have been at the same workplace throughout their lives, while others have ended up with 10 different employers in 20 years for various reasons. Such a resume scares many who recruit. "We cannot hire this person, he will stop within two years," they would say, then mark the applicant "out of date".

  • If the applicant is not sufficiently involved, you are not alone with him. A person considers other offers from employers, and you are not the first on the list. Even if in the end he accepts your offer, his motivation and performance will not be up to par. Let's see how a recruiter knows this is not the best deal.


Read human resources articles and HR news to keep up with up-to-date human resources information. Learn more about insights and opinions on HR issues.