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Internal recruitment is not always exploited to its full potential. Some companies tend to look at outside talent without realizing that some of their best employees may be waiting for an opportunity. For this not to happen, it is important to observe the human capital present in the company itself. This is precisely the proposal for internal recruitment.

In addition to increasing employee retention and motivation, this method is a faster way to fill company vacancies. After all, with him, the need for intense selection processes is discarded. Consequently, the company saves time and money. In-house recruitment also allows the company to choose the most suitable employee for a particular job since they already know the profile of their employees. In this article, you will know what the main benefits of this type of selection are and when it is right for your business.

Advantages of Internal Recruitment

Internal recruitment offers several benefits to companies.

Check out some of the main ones:

1. Cost per hire

In-house recruitment is a great option for companies that need to cut costs, as allowing a company employee is cheaper than hiring an outsider. According to the Fischer & Partners Recruitment, the average cost of hiring an outsider is 70% higher than hiring an insider.

For external recruitment, the expense is about THB500, compared to internal recruitment, which is only THB 280. And this difference has no impact only on hiring time. According to research, professionals hired through outside recruitment are initially paid between 18% and 20% more than employees from within the organization. Also, it must be borne in mind that by promoting a talent, the company discards costs with staff selection, job interviews, and training.

2. Appreciation of employees

When a company sees the potential of its human capital, internal talent feels more valued. Recruiting employees who are already part of the staff serves as a source of motivation for them. Thus, employees keep in mind that efficient work becomes a ladder to more relevant positions in the company. Therefore, the more you invest in training professionals, offering them opportunities for growth, the more recognized and encouraged they will feel. For the company, the main benefit is the productivity gain.

3. Attracting talents

One of the main difficulties among companies today is finding qualified professionals who are active and committed to the business. The good news is that betting on internal recruitment is an effective way to circumvent this challenge. After all, good professionals are attracted to companies that offer appreciation and growth opportunities because they know their efforts will be recognized. This makes them more comfortable and secure to invest their full potential in building a career within their own company.

4. Reduction of turnover

By valuing the employee, internal recruitment reduces company turnover rates. Giving professionals real chances of advancing their careers through promotions means reducing their frustration rate. Consequently, they stay in the corporation for longer periods. While the professional remains motivated, the company receives several benefits, including increased productivity, retention of knowledge, and alignment between employees and the company's culture. Also, reduced turnover has a positive impact on the budget, due to cutbacks in selection processes and training of outsiders.

Internal or External Recruitment

Internal recruitment is a very interesting process for the company, but it is not always the best way. Therefore, it is essential to assess the demands and objectives of the company before choosing the method used.

Below are some considerations on recruitment types:

  • When internal recruitment is indicated

In general, internal recruitment is appropriate when there is already a talent in the company that is suitable for an open position. With this, it is possible to acquire all the advantages of this type of hiring, ensuring the performance of a professional who knows the corporation's ecosystem beforehand. However, for internal recruitment to be efficient, it is ideal that the company is indeed committed to helping build qualified professionals.

Generally, it is best to invest in this model when the organization already has a career path for employees. But what if the company doesn't have the talent it needs? In this case, it is time to look for professionals in the market.

  • When is external recruitment indicated

One of the main advantages of external recruitment is that it introduces new skills and working methods in the company. This can be advantageous especially when you are looking to modify the culture or business processes to achieve the set goals. After all, professionals with experience in other places usually have different visions and knowledge and can contribute effectively to the company. The time available to fill the vacancy is also essential to find out the best type of hiring. Although external recruitment is a slower process, it will be faster when there is not a suitable professional for the position in the company, in which case they will need to be trained.

Recruitment with attraction campaigns

An interesting measure to consider is to create a campaign of interest for your business. This type of action aims to introduce your organization and work environment to professionals who fit the desired profile of competencies and skills. However, this must be done clearly and objectively. Most importantly, find a way to engage professionals in a specific action. That way you can reach talent who are looking for a job and even those who are not looking for a job but see an opportunity in your company.

There are some ways to make an attractive campaign. Among the recommendations, two deserve to be highlighted:

  • Find the best channels

Not all channels can reach their specific audience. So you have to find the channels where you are likely to reach your target, not use them just because other companies do.

  • Master storytelling

Mastering the art of storytelling is essential, as the company is trying to sell an idea to strangers for them to exchange their jobs for the unknown. It is therefore important to make these professionals realize that you are captivated by the opportunity you present.