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Temperament: Which type are you?

People are as different as their temperaments: some are quiet and with monotonous work in the usual atmosphere more than satisfied, the others are constantly looking for new contacts and challenges. But what about yourself?: Do you know your own temperament type? Or did you ever wonder why the boss or colleague behaves the way he does? In fact, there are four classic temperament types (mixed forms, of course) with their own characteristics. Find out which type you belong to ...



Table of Contents: That's what you'll find in this article


  • Temperament definition

  • Temperament in the job

  • Temperament test: To which type do you belong?

  • The 4 temperament types

    • The sanguine (Optimistic/Positive)

    • The choleric (Bad tempered/irritable)

    • The phlegmatic (Calm/Unemotional)

    • The melancholic (Sadness)

  • Control temperament: This is how it works

    • Control temperament: the FLOW method

    • These articles also found other readers interesting



Temperament definition


For a better definition: Our character determines how we act. It was formed in childhood, but can evolve and change over time. The temperament, on the other hand, is the basis for a person's character and influences his social interaction as well as his behavior. In contrast to the character, it is an innate individual feature that can not be changed.


The temperament is responsible for how a person reacts to certain environmental stimuli. So it has a great influence on the behavior and not least on how a person is perceived - and whether they are liked by others and sympathetic.



Temperament in the job


To say it straight away: spirited people can be good or bad employees. The guy alone does not say anything about it. It's the way to deal with problems that make the difference between the different types: people with a certain temperament can easily solve a task that others have a hard time with - and vice versa. That's why it's important that our job matches your own temperament as much as possible. And that's why HR managers and executives should also recognize which type of temperament an employee or candidate belongs to: Does it really fit in with this specific job and its requirements? - or will there be difficulties later on?


It should all be aware that every temperament type has its specific advantages and disadvantages. No one works better than the other, they only work differently.


These differences lie in the specific characteristics that the individual Characterize temperaments. This includes:


  • The speed of cognitive processes (perception, analysis, decision, concentration)

  • The ductility and steadfastness of psychic qualities, their fluctuations, and shifts

  • The speed of work and the work rhythm

  • The intensity of mental processes (emotions, willpower)

  • The focus of psychological activity on a particular object (extraversion, introversion)



Temperament test: To which type do you belong?


Do you know a spirited person among their colleagues? Common question. Ultimately, every person is a spirited type - only this is different: is your colleague more likely to be upset or always in a good mood? Does he have many social contacts or is he more of a soliloquy? With the following characteristics, you can better determine the temperament type of a colleague, an employee, the boss or even your own type ...


But before we introduce you to the four temperament types in detail, let's give you a chance to use a little self-test to find out which type you are closest to. Review the following lists and decide which descriptions are most appropriate for you.


Type 1


  • I find risks exciting and I am happy to accept them.

  • I always assume that everything will turn out for the best.

  • I Almost always I'm in a good mood.

  • I have a great circle of friends.

  • I would like to always experience something new

  • It's hard for me to concentrate for a long time.

  • I quarrel with myself because I can not reach my self-imposed goals.


Type 2


  • If I'm up to something, then I can do it too.

  • I am able to enforce my opinion.

  • Often I get together with other people and can be loud at the same time.

  • It excites me when others make avoidable mistakes.

  • I am proud of my self-confidence.

  • I can convince others and also catch my motivation and get carried away.

  • My environment says that I am an alpha animal.


Type 3


  • Changes are not only unnecessary but downright terrible.

  • I am very deliberate, I do not want to rush things and let decisions go through my mind for a long time.

  • Sometimes I seem a bit detached to outsiders.

  • I'm not lazy, but I do not think it's bad if there's nothing to do.

  • I'm never really angry or upset.

  • In discussions, I hold back with my own opinion and mediate between others.

  • I am not a friend of disputes, but I am happy about harmony in my environment.


Type 4


  • It is very important to me what others think of me and try to please everyone.

  • I am reluctant to approach strangers, and in unfamiliar situations, I am very reserved.

  • I usually take things personally.

  • I am very emotional.

  • You could say that I am a monster.

  • It's hard for me to build trust.

  • I give everything for people to whom I am close.


Have you - or friends, family members or the boss - recognized in our small self-test? Then you have already learned a little about yourself through self-reflection, but the question still remains as to which temperament type you belong to.



The 4 temperament types


We introduce you to the four types and show the associated advantages and disadvantages.


The sanguine (Optimistic / Positive)


The sanguine is balanced, sociable, practical and steadfast. It has a high reaction rate with its activity and reactivity in equilibrium. He acts vividly and enthusiastically on things that take his attention. He has pronounced facial expressions and a strong expressiveness: he can, therefore, laugh out loud for a seemingly insignificant reason or get into a rage for a small reason.


After all, you can easily tell by his face what mood he's in right now, what relationship he has to a decision or to a colleague. He has a high sensation threshold - accordingly, he responds less to soft noises or weak stimuli. Due to his high level of activity, he is energetic, enthusiastically embraces a new task and can work for a long time without getting tired. He makes new contacts easily and quickly gets used to new challenges and challenges Environments.




  • The sanguine is sociable, cheerful, energetic and sympathetic. He can also have strong mood swings, but he is usually in a good mood.

  • Affection, hostility, joy or sadness arise quickly with him but do not last long.

  • He learns quickly and approaches new tasks with enthusiasm. He quickly gets over his mishaps and unpleasant situations. He adapts easily to other life situations.

  • He retains self-control in stressful situations and times of crisis. The sanguine is able to defend himself argumentatively and at the same time to normalize the situation.

  • He is steadfast in setting goals and tasks - so he is a good organizer.




  • As soon as he loses interest in a task, he drops it without completing it.

  • He does not like monotonous work, an everyday life without variety is unbearable for him.

  • He overestimates frequently and his abilities.

  • He has no lasting interests or inclinations.

  • He likes to make quick but also hasty decisions.


The choleric (Bad tempered/irritable)


The choleric is impulsive, strong, unbalanced and active. It is characterized by high sensitivity, fast response, and strong activity. However, in the choleric, the reactivity is more pronounced than the activity - he is accordingly hot-tempered and impatient.


He has less expressiveness than the sanguine and sometimes seems lethargic. He purposefully pursues his tasks and interests, is steadfast, but has difficulty concentrating from one task to another.




  • The choleric is determined and purposeful. He likes to take the initiative and that fast.

  • He enthusiastically takes on new tasks, solves problems and overcomes difficulties. In a dispute or a discussion, he is inventive.

  • He is not unforgiving or long offended.

  • He is able to make quick decisions and act. And he always strives for new knowledge.

  • In a critical situation, he shows determination and pressure.




  • He is too hasty and impatient. He is stubborn and often moody. He can be aggressive or angry and cannot always control himself.

  • For him, sharp, jerky movements are typical. He can never sit long, is often unbalanced and tends to a hot temper.

  • When dealing with people, he can be sharp and say directly what he thinks. He can provoke conflict situations.

  • His ability to work increases quickly, but drops just as quickly. Sometimes he does not penetrate to the cause of the problem, scratching the surface and distracting himself.

  • He tends to risk and tolerate no mistakes and inadequacies in others.


The phlegmatic (Calm / Unemotional)


The phlegmatist is an inert, strong, balanced and sedentary colleague. It has high activity, which outweighs its reactivity and is characterized by low sensitivity and emotionality. It is difficult to make him laugh or cry - someone laughs in his environment, he often remains untouched.


But he stays calm even in case of problems. His facial expression is weak, he can hardly divert his attention or find his bearings in a new environment. This temperament type is slow to acquire new abilities and habits but remains energetic and industrious. He is impatient, has little endurance and self-control.




  • He is characterized by calm, caution, prudence, stability, and balance - as in the profession, as well as in private life.

  • He pays attention to consistency and thoroughness at work, and he always puts them to the end. He is steadfast and stubborn in achieving a goal.

  • He is able to master a monotonous and permanently exhausting task. He divides his powers and wastes no time. Systematics at work has top priority with him.

  • He loves order and care in all areas of life. His relationships and interests are steadfast, he is mostly faithful.

  • He is a reliable employee who rarely loses his composure.




  • He is not impressed by praise or criticism.

  • He responds weakly to external stimuli and can, therefore, adapt slowly to new situations.

  • He finds it hard to integrate into a new environment, and hesitantly makes contact with unknown people.

  • His life is dominated by stereotypes and cliche.


The melancholic (Sadness)


The melancholic is weak, unbalanced and lazy. He is a person of high sensitivity and inertia, which often causes a small occasion to trigger tears. He is vindictive and susceptible to criticism and rumors. His facial expressions and gestures are weak, the voice is quiet.


He is often insecure, tentative, even the smallest obstacle forces him to give up. He has little energy or steadiness and exhausted quickly. A tendency to distraction and a low attention span are characteristic of this type of temperament.




  • It is characterized by high sensitivity. He is extremely receptive to praise - for criticism as well.

  • He has high expectations of himself and his fellow human beings.

  • Under favorable conditions, he remains reserved and tactful. His emotional state is profound, lasting and powerful.

  • He responds strongly to external influences.

  • In a familiar environment with well-known colleagues, he feels well and works extremely productive.




  • He tends to be shy, vulnerable, undecided, and unsure of his own powers.

  • He usually thinks pessimistically and seldom laughs. He tires quickly and needs regular breaks.

  • He loses himself in an unknown environment and hesitantly makes contacts with new acquaintances. His circle of friends remains correspondingly manageable.

  • He tends to loneliness, depression and often withdraws or even secludes. Job discomfort easily upsets him.


Well, did you recognize yourself or any of your colleagues?



Control temperament: This is how it works


For the entire team, working with a particularly spirited and moody employee can be a big challenge. You never know exactly how he reacts or when the next outbreak of rage threatens when a colleague tends to have emotional explosions.


One thing is for sure: the whims of an employee, or worse, a manager, have a negative impact on the performance of a team.


  • Worse mood


First and foremost, of course, the working atmosphere suffers when everyone comes to work thinking that he may be the next victim of a tantrum. Satisfaction with one's own job can be reduced to a minimum so quickly.


  • Worse quality


But the work also decreases. With a bad mood, it is much harder to concentrate. The consequences are decreasing the quality and lower employee productivity. Also, each individual is lacking the motivation to do his / her best.


  • Worse chances


The Flurfunk is in many companies a strong means of communication. So the reputation of a department quickly spreads throughout the enterprise. This makes it all the more difficult to make the jump to a higher position from exactly this department.


Certainly, you do not want to be the one who loses control of his temperament and thus contributes to the bad mood in the company. After all, you risk your job in the worst case, if your supervisor sees no other choice.


But what can you do if you tend to have a very quick-temper and quickly lose your composure? Of course, meditation or sport can help as a balance. But even in an acute stress situation, in which you are about to explode, it is not too late to prevent the outbreak of rage. These tips will help you control your temperament.


  • Stop before you react.


When anger comes up and your temper takes control, it's easy to do or say something that you may later regret. In effect, we do not think about our actions and their consequences. So, before indulging in your temperament, make sure to wait a moment.


This moment may already be enough to cool the mind or to think again about the situation. Ask yourself if there may not be a rationale behind your opponent's behavior and why it really upsets you.


  • Find an ally.


Sometimes the temperament explodes from one moment to the next, but often you notice how your mood slowly worsens before the onset of emotion. In this situation, it is important to have an ally in the office with whom you can talk about it. Tell them what you are annoyed about and how much you are bubbling in it.


Of course, the other person should calm you down and not continue to incite you. After you have talked about the first frustration of the soul, you can calm down and calm the source of your anger.


  • Treat your colleagues with respect.


You are an adult - your colleague is an adult. They are old enough, being okay to express their opinions with a loud roar. As well as you expect respectful handling, also your office neighbors have a right to it. So, before you go to the ceiling next time, ask yourself how this affects outsiders.


A well-trained employee in a business outfit who is freaked out due to a paper jam in the copier or a typo? Certainly not the picture that you want to present.


  • Understand the role of communication.


The behavior of a colleague has angered you, but do you really think a rage will help him rethink his behavior? Most people are unresponsive to roar. On the other hand, with good arguments and friendly hints, most people get along well.


So if you want a colleague to get better, do not get upset, but explain what went wrong. This will lower your stress level and have a positive effect on the working climate.


  • Describe your feelings in the first-person perspective.


You have ... or you have ... - Sentences that start like this always have the character of a reproach. Accordingly, your opponent will automatically take a defensive position and the call is deadlocked before it even starts. Instead, speak in the first-person perspective.


What did not you like? Which problem does it burden you? From this point of view, solutions can emerge without having to endure with shouting or creating a scene.


  • Recognize the true causes of your emotions.


Often you may feel like you are angry because a colleague has made a mistake. But realistically, the causes often lie in a different source. So, ask yourself if the trifle in the office really was the trigger or if your anger might hit the wrong person.


Once you have located the root cause, you should use your energy to clean up the trigger. Maybe you can get your temper even in the long term under control.



Control temperament: the FLOW method


In order to get used to the proper handling of one's own temperament, the FLOW method is suitable. The goal of this method is to stop a tantrum before it can happen. That is four steps necessary:


  • Focus. When you realize that anger is building in you, consciously focus on remaining calm. Breathing exercises can also help.


  • Listen. Listen to your counterpart and put yourself in his position. Maybe you can understand his view of things.


  • Objectivity. Never take the behavior of a colleague personally. Stay objective and continue to decide rationally despite anger.


  • Wait. It is fine to briefly retire in a conflict to calm down again. Rethink your reaction and the consequences.


FLOW Diagram